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Transfer Station Advisory Committee Minutes 03/17/2009
7:00 pm TOWN HALL



Board Members Present:             K. St. John
                                                J. Constance
           J. Sizemore
                                                J. Cavan (Chairman)
                                                J. Federer
                                                S. Clay
Also Present:                              G. Cornett
                                                G. Carlstrom

NEXT MEETING   Tuesday, January 31, 2009, at 7:00 pm in the Town Hall


The primary agenda was to begin the development of a list of actions and activities that could lead to increased Transfer Station operational efficiencies and/or increased services provided to the Taxpayers. The stimulus for this agenda was a January 2, 2009, letter from the Selectmen to the Department managers. The Committee members agreed that some form a “Brainstorming” technique would be used to generate the actions list.

The initial list of potential actions and activities developed follows (these items will be added to, discussed, and refined in a series of future Committee meetings):

  • Create a “strategic” plan to improve the means of entering and exiting the Transfer Station.  (Joe C.)
  • Expand on the capabilities and usefulness of the “Reusable Room”. (Joe C.)
  • Develop means of improving the efficiency of handling and processing cardboard. (Jim F.)
  • Make the “scrap” metal collection area more suitable to access by Townspeople looking for usable parts and materials. (Susan C.)
  • Evaluate the fee system now in place … is it really an efficient method of offsetting disposal costs? (Susan C.)
  • Evaluate the potential overall savings associated with a “curbside pickup” waste pickup system operated by the Town. (John S.)
  • Procure and install a paper shredder for Taxpayer use. Publicize its’ location. (Gordon C.)
  • Revise (if necessary) and publicize the Transfer Station’s Mission Statement (Kevin St.)
  • Reassess Transfer Station staffing requirements. (Gerry C.)
  • Reconfigure the Transfer Station’s operating hours (for example, drop some daytime hours and initiate evening operating hours). (Jim C.)
  • Post, in the Transfer Station, a sign with the names and duties of the Station crew. (Jim C.)
  • Request the assistance of the New Boston Bulletin in profiling each Station crew member and their contribution its’ operations. (Susan C.)
  • Conduct study aimed at improving the safety of pedestrians (including the Station crew) and vehicle traffic at the Station. (Jim C.)
  • Determine if there any steps that the Station can implement to assist elderly/handicapped Taxpayers with trash removal. (Jim C.)
  • Kitty Litter is very heavy … explore other means of disposable that would eliminate trucking it away with other non-recyclable waste. (Kevin St.)
  • Determine the reasons why a small portion of the Transfer Station users dislike and/or will not recycle. (Jim C.)
  • Evaluate the benefits of private dumpsters. Are there benefits that could be adapted to Transfer Station operations? [John S. is developing a report on the costs and benefits of a private, shared, dumpster.] Joe C.
  • Look at the possibility of subsidizing Taxpayers who use private pickup services and/or private dumpsters … are there potential cost savings to the Town? (Jim C.)
  • Evaluate the benefits and disadvantages of implementing a “Pay As You Go” system. (Gerry C.)

The Committee elected John Sizemore as Chairman.

/s/ Jim Cavan
    New Boston Transfer Station Advisory Board